One EV – EV Equity Program Webinar

The San Joaquin Valley has some of the worst air quality in the state. Making the switch to a cleaner vehicle would help cut transportation emissions, which are one of the main polluters of our Valley air. Do you need help making the switch from gas to electric and need information on what incentives are […]

Firebaugh Community Resource Fair

A.F. Community Center 1655 13th Street, Firebaugh, CA, United States

Stop by and talk to a Clean Vehicle Empowerment Collaborative Partner at the A.F. Community Center to learn how you can save up to $14,000 on a new EV. Covid-19 vaccinations and flu shots will be available, amongst other resources.

Turlock Electric Car Guest Drive

Ten Pin Fun Center 3700 Countryside Drive, Turlock, CA, United States

Turlock Irrigation District will host an Electric Car Guest Drive at the Ten Pin Fun Center in Turlock, CA. Several electric vehicles including the Tesla Model 3, and Model S will be available to drive. Electric cars from other manufacturers will also be available to view and drive. The site will showcase several educational exhibits […]

[Canceled] Fresno Community Resource Fair

The Fresno Center 4879 E. Kings Canyon Road, Fresno, CA, United States

From the organizer: "The Community Resource Fair has been CANCELED. We put our community's health first and because of today's weather we cannot guarantee that tomorrow's air quality will be safe. As of now, the event will be rescheduled and more information will follow. We apologize for any inconvenience. If you have any questions, please […]

Outreach at The Big Fresno Fair

Fresno Fairgrounds 1121 S. Chance Avenue, Fresno, CA, United States

Attending the Fresno Fair? Stop by and talk to a Clean Vehicle Empowerment Collaborative Partner to learn how you can get up to $11,000 in down payment assistance towards a new EV! The savings don't stop there. Our Partner will let you know what else you can qualify for. We will be in the Free […]

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