The Clean Vehicle Empowerment Collaborative invited San Joaquin Valley youth to participate in our Valleywide CVEC Video & Art Contest! Valley youth had the opportunity to plug-in to their creative side and color, draw, produce a video or make something truly unique to show why electric vehicles (EVs) are here to stay. Artwork highlighted the environmental and economic benefits of driving an EV, like reducing air pollution.
After two weeks of public voting, we have our winners!

Artist: Matthew
Age Category: 9-13
County: San Joaquin County
Artist Description
The effects on the environment and community by electric vehicles versus gas powered cars.

Artist: Gianna
Age Category: 14-17
County: Kern County
Artist Description
Sunny, blue skies and green mountains with the cleaner air in the Valley.

Artist: Adrian
Age Category: 4-8
County: Fresno County
Artist Description
Electric car and windmills promoting renewable energy.
Artist: Cheyenne
Age Category: 13-17
County: Kern County
Artist Description
A video describing the need to educate the youth on electrical and hybrid cars and how they have a positive impact.
Artist: Mason
Age Category: 13-17
County: Tulare County
Artist Description
My video focuses on the added benefit of noise pollution reduction as a result of converting to electric powered vehicles.
Artist: Guadalupe
Age Category: 13-17
County: Fresno County
Artist Description
Electric Vehicle helps our planet.

Artist: Seneca
Age Category: 14-17
County: Tulare County
Artist Description
A paper mache car crafted entirely of recycled materials. The junk in the trunk represents the storm of detrimental consequences of combustible engines. The enthusiastic color scheme draws attention to the necessity of electric cars in our world.

Artist: Emaan
Age Category: 9-13
County: San Joaquin County
Artist Description
The painting piece shows a clean vehicle that is driving in the nature, and instead of gas coming out of the car, flowers are flowing around because clean vehicles help the environment.

Artist: Jose
Age Category: 4-6
County; Kern County
Artist Description
La familia disfrutando un dia de campo, con aire limpio en el valle.

Artist: Jose
Age Category: 4-6
County: Fresno County
Artist Description
This a happy electric vehicle having fun cleaning the streets from pollution.

Artist: Aneliz
Age Category: 4-6
County: Fresno County
Artist Description
This lady is charging her electric car fast and easy. The best part is that she is saving money by not using gas anymore.

Artist: Alexa
Age Category: 4-6
County: Kings County
Artist Description
The dad, mom, and two children are getting ready to fly kites.
Random Drawing Winners

Artist: Isabell
Age Category: 14-17
County: Tulare County
Artist Description
On the top it shows what good things will happen with the electric cars. On the bottom it shows what bad things happen to regular cars. The kid on the bottom has asthma so he has to take his inhaler.

Artist: Gerardo
Age Category: 9-13
County: Fresno County
Artist Description
Teslas are the future because they will create more rainbows in the sky.

Artist: Luz
Age Category: 9-13
County: Fresno County
Artist Description
This is an electric car riding in clean, peaceful environment. Trees and grass are green, flowers are blossoming. The sky is clean and blue because there is less pollution in the air.

Artist: Julian
Age Category: 9-13
County: Tulare County
Artist Description
It’s not about fashio, it’s about changing the world. A car with electricity benefits us so that there is more natural life, happier people, fewer diseases, more money savings, but above all al community of more responsible, intelligent people.

Artist: Lyla
Age Category: 9-13
County: Kings County
Artist Description
Cut pollution and join the clean air parade.

Artist: Valeria
Age Category: 9-13
County: Fresno County
Artist Description
I drew a gray electrical car that is charging.
Staff Favorites
Not everyone was able to win, but we wanted to show you some of our favorites. Scroll through the pictures below.
The Clean Vehicle Empowerment Collaborative would like to thank everyone who participated in the CVEC Video & Art Contest.
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