Taller de Asequibilidad para Vehículos Eléctricos presentado por CCAC

Únase al Colaborativo de Asma del Centro de California para obtener más información sobre los vehículos eléctricos y las formas en que puede ahorrar. ¡Descubra por qué los vehículos eléctricos son más asequibles que nunca! Regístrese aquí: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_9xvUeKo7QFifebH_TtIkQQ

Virtual Ride & Drive hosted by CCDS

Join the Environmental Justice Project's Virtual Ride and Drive event to learn more about electric vehicle perks! Click the link to register: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_MWKp6KFWR8OJ2p4Xk5eolQ

Virtual Ride & Drive- with Valley Improvement Projects


Join us on a virtual Ride and Drive experience! on Friday March 5th @ 6pm! We will be test driving a Chevy Bolt with Angelita Priscilla Ochoa, She will give you the experience you didn't know you were looking for! We will also share how you can qualify for up to $14k for a brand […]


EV Affordability Workshop hosted by CCAC

Join the Central California Asthma Collaborative to learn more about electric vehicles and ways you can save. Learn why EVs are more affordable than ever! Click to Register

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